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Myrmecocystus christineae

Myrmecocystus christineae

Note: Ants are only available for purchase in their native states. Check the map and product description for verification.
Regular price $167.63
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Colony Size

Myrmecocystus christineae is a small golden honeypot ant, a rarity in the ant-keeping hobby. This species is known for its beautiful golden coloration and large, prominent eyes, which stand out against its delicate frame. They are primarily monogamous, typically having just one queen per colony. However, we've observed multiple queens cohabiting in a single chamber and are currently testing whether this species can sustain polygyny over the long term.

Caring for Myrmecocystus christineae requires attention to detail, especially given their specific needs for proper growth and replete formation. Their small size means they can remain in their initial nest setup longer and require fewer resources, which can be beneficial for keepers managing space and food supply.

Myrmecocystus christineae is considered an intermediate to advanced species in terms of care. Their small size and precise environmental needs require a more experienced hand to maintain a thriving colony. Ideal for ant keepers looking to challenge themselves, this species offers a rewarding experience for those ready to meet its demands.

Myrmecocystus (Honeypot Ant) Care Sheet

Inaturalist link for Myrmecocystus christineae

Difficulty Level: Intermediate to Advanced


  • Species rarely seen in the hobby.
  • Small size allows for longer intervals before needing to upgrade nest sizes.
  • Requires fewer resources to sustain even at full colony size.
  • They do not sting; their main form of defense is spraying formic acid.
  • Large eyes on workers.


  • Intermediate to advanced care level due to small size and specific conditions required for growth.
  • Excellent climbers, increasing the risk of escapes.
  • Honeypots are not particularly hardy when their colony size is small.

Care Requirements:

  • Temperature: 80-85F (80F preferred) using heat cable or heat mat paired with a thermostat. Like with most ants, having a heat gradient is beneficial.
  • Food: Require both nectar (sugar water) and insect protein for development.
  • Humidity: Nests that are made properly will have a gradient to allow the ants to choose a humidity range that suits their needs.
  • Climbing Ability: Excellent climbers. Regular barrier maintenance is required.
  • Honeypots need nests that have vertical ceiling space in order to facilitate proper replete formation. They also need sand to form their cocoons. 

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